Floss Before or After Brushing: When is Best to Floss?

Floss Before or After Brushing: When is Best to Floss?

Flaus Admin
6 minute read

We all know that we’re supposed to brush and floss our teeth. But, are we clear on if we're suppose to floss before or after brushing? Does it even matter if you brush or floss first? As long as you're doing both regularly, you're good, right?

Well, not necessarily. The answer to if you should floss before or after brushing, is that it's recommended to floss before brushing your teeth. Armed with your flossing buddy – Flaus, the world's first eco-friendly electric flosser, sticking to a good dental hygiene and schedule is super easy!

So why is flossing then brushing MORE effective? ✅

The reason it’s recommended to floss then brush is that any food, plaque, and bacteria released by flossing from between your teeth remain in your mouth until the next time you brush. Gross, but true. 😬

Fear not for all of our brushing-only oral care peeps (you know who you are!) we'll get you onboard the floss train and make sure you're DTF (Down To Flaus) in no time. Read on to find out why you should first floss, then brush.

Why Is It Better to Floss Before Brushing?

When you floss first, you dislodge all of the food, plaque and bacteria between your teeth. Obviously you don’t want that sitting in your mouth all day (eww), so you brush second to remove the released debris from the mouth. This usually means there's less dental plaque in your mouth, and you'll have a lower risk of developing gum disease. So says a small 2018 study according to the National Institutes of Health.

Flossing and brushing are really BFF’s though - and they work hand in hand to keep your teeth clean and your breath fresh. But it does really matter which you do first. Flossing daily is important as plaque usually hardens on the teeth within 24 to 36 hours (and plaque is a primary cause of gum disease.

If you floss your teeth regularly and then brush afterward getting all of those particles out of your mouth, plaque usually does not form on your teeth.

Fluoride in your toothpaste can also better protect your teeth when particles are removed first by flossing. A recent study found that flossing first, followed by brushing with fluoride toothpaste, is more effective in removing plaque than brushing first and flossing second.

After flossing, when you brush your teeth, the toothpaste can reach more areas, ensuring that the fluoride and other beneficial ingredients in the toothpaste have better access to those hard-to-reach places. This sequential approach of flossing before brushing ensures a comprehensive cleaning of the entire oral cavity. It maximizes the benefits of both flossing and brushing.

Flausing (or flossing) helps keep your mouth as clean as possible, especially if you do it before brushing! Got it?

What About Flossing After Brushing?

If you were taught to floss your teeth after you brush, don't fret. As long as you're flossing once a day, you're already one step ahead of most people.

Tooth be told: it's still better to floss after brushing than to not floss at all.

Yet, flossing before brushing is much more effective.

If you need help re-shaping your flossing habit, read on for some real tips on how to do just that.

How to Make Flossing the First Part of Your Routine

For many, brushing your teeth first thing in the morning and before hopping into bed at night is second nature. But flossing as a daily routine has yet to catch on for most Americans. A survey found that only 30% of Americans floss daily, and 32% say they never floss (it pains us to say it aloud).

We hear all of the time from our ‘never flossers’ that one of the common reasons for not flossing is that it’s time consuming and gross! Never fear though - Flaus can definitely help with that and is happy to come to the rescue.

Recommended by dental experts, our super-efficient electric flosser is on hand to make flossing faster with its 10,000 sonic vibrations per minute. Flaus can be up to five times faster than any traditional flossing, while moving quickly and easily between tight teeth to remove plaque and debris your toothbrush can't reach. Meaning that you can keep your fingers out of your mouth and save yourself time while flossing!

With such convenience, it's easy to establish flossing in your routine. Simply because flossing with Flaus (Flaussing) is easy, quick and comfortable!

Timing and Consistency of Flossing (Never Wonder if You Should Floss or Brush First Again)

First things first: It doesn't matter what time of day you floss, but experts suggest that adding flossing in before your regular brushing routine, will help you keep up your new healthy habit!

You might prefer heading into the day with a freshly flossed mouth, keeping your teeth clean after lunch, or going to bed post-floss and brush. Flossing at night ensures that any accumulated debris from the day is eliminated before bedtime, reducing the risk of bacteria growth during sleep.

Ultimately, what matters most is consistency in flossing as part of your daily routine, regardless of the specific time chosen.

To make it really easy, keep Flaus right next to your toothpaste and toothbrush and make sure it is visible - having it on show helps serve as a reminder not to skip the step (this is also the reason our Flaus starter kit comes with a mirror mount - so it can live on your bathroom countertop, without taking up space). Then, floss every day before you brush for at least one week. Once you've made it a week, set a goal to keep it up for a second week. Then another, and on it goes, until you won't even think about it anymore.

They say it takes 21 days to make a habit - so give yourself a 21 day goal to ensure you achieve flossing all star status!


So, to answer the age old question of does it matter if I floss or brush first? yes — it does.

The bottom line is: flossing anytime is better than not flossing. And flossing before brushing is better than flossing after brushing.

With Flaus, you'll have a handy companion to help you establish a routine that sticks.

So Flaus, brush, then repeat as part of your daily self care routine! With the world's first electric flosser, you'll continue to have a healthy smile and get a few compliments and  gold stars from your dentist too!

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